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Biktashev D.A., Lieberman Y.L., Gorbunova L.N. Huffman-Lieberman synthesis code for CNC systems by DNC class machine tools

Huffman-Lieberman synthesis code for CNC systems by DNC class machine tools

Biktashev D.A., Lieberman Y.L., Gorbunova L.N.

DNC class CNC systems are the most rational and promising type of equipment and control systems, in particular, machine tools for flexible automated production. The two types of codes are used in the DNC systems such as Chudakov’s corrective ISO-7bit codes and the optimal (statistical) codes, based on Huffman’s synthesis algorithm. It is extremely difficult to detect errors in the programs made in Huffman’s code, if there are any. This entails a significant complication of CNC system interfaces and requires special software of their work. The paper presents an optimal Huffman-Lieberman uneven code for the transmission of control programs from the computer to the CNC machine tools designed for flexible automated production. The paper describes one of the possible synthesis algorithms of such codes and compares Huffman-Lieberman code with ISO-7bit Chudakov’s and Huffman’s algorithm. Huffman-Lieberman code will improve accident-free DNC class CNC systems, as well as reduce possible production failures and economic losses.

Keywords: Huffman-Lieberman code, CNC system, parity control, flexible automated production.


  1. Ratmirov V.A. Machine Control of flexible manufacturing systems. – Moskow: Mashinostroenie, 1987.
  2. Chudacov A.D. Management system flexible machining complexes. – Moskow: Mashinostroenie, 1987.
  3. Huffman D. Method of building codes with minimum redundancy // Cybernetic collection, № 3, 1961.
  4. Lieberman Y.L. Statistical codes for systems of numerical control machines directly from the computer // Machines and Tools, 1975, № 7.
  5. Lieberman Y.L. Principles and prospects of development of monitoring systems for machine tools. – Moscow: VNIITEMR, 1989.
  6. Lieberman Y.L., Zhurov S.P. Increased reliability of CNC machine tools DNC-class method of statistical encoding / Quality performance and reliability of the BMS. – Sverdlovsk, Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1988.
  7. Lieberman Y.L., Timashev  S.A., Zhurov S.P. Statistical coding of information management programs as a way to enhance the reliability of the DNC class CNC. – Sverdlovsk, Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1988.
  8. Lieberman Y.L. Monitoring systems for machine tools. – Ekaterinburg: Ural. gov. techn. university Press, 2000.
  9. Tsymbal V.P. Information Theory and Coding. – Kiev, Visha School, 1973.
  10. Novick D.A. Efficient coding. – Leningrad: Energiya, 1965.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (15), 2013. Pages: 35-44

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Biktashev Denis Andreevich – Engineer, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Lieberman Yakov Lvovich – Ph.D., Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:


Kayzer Y.F., Gorbunova L.N., Lysyannikov A.V. Respiratory system RVS-3000

Respiratory system RVS-3000

Kayzer Y.F., Gorbunova L.N., Lysyannikov A.V.

When storing and pumping fuel in warehouses there is an urgent problem of reducing fuel losses caused by evaporation due to «large and small breaths» of the tank. As a result of these «breaths», low pressure in the reservoir («breath») leads to filling the tank vapor space with atmospheric air. The tank contains a significant amount of water vapor, which then condenses to accumulate and remain in the fuel, significantly degrading its properties. The system has been developed to reduce fuel loss caused by evaporation. It will provide reducing environment pollution and economic losses of enterprises, as well as keeping up quantitative fuel composition. The system will help increase fire safety and nonexplosiveness of fuel and lubricant stock. A specially designed drying agent is a cylindrical vessel filled with an adsorbent. The analysis results let us use silica gel for absorption of water vapor thanks to its advantages (low regeneration temperature, low production costs, high mechanical strength against abrasion and crushing, etc.). The recommendations have been given to find out the adsorbent life depending on ambient temperature and absolute air moisture content. It can be determined by the air amount entering the reservoir as a result of «big breaths».

Keywords: reservoir, vent valve, fuel and lubricating materials, silica gel.


  1. Arbuzova F.F. Loss control of oil and petroleum products during transportation and storage. − Moscow: Nedra, 1981.
  2. Kayzer Y.F. Storage of aviation fuels // Processing of Eastern Donbas Prospects. Part 1. − Novocherkassk SRSTU, 2010. − P. 225-228.
  3. Keltsev N.V. Fundamentals of adsorption technology: 2nd ed. − Moskow, 1984. − 247 p.
  4. Akselrud G.A. Introduction to the capillary-chemical technology. − Moskow: Chemistry, 1983. – 264 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (15), 2013. Pages: 4-9

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Kayzer Yuriy Fillipovich – Ph.D., Oil and Gas Institute of the Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Lysyannikov Aleksey Vasiljevich – Teacher, Oil and Gas Institute of the Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:


Baranov V.A., Gorbunova L.N. Problem of cranes exploitation with dangerous defects

Problem of cranes exploitation with dangerous defects

Baranov V.A., Gorbunova L.N.

A great number of load-lifting cranes with expired standard service terms are being employed in Russia nowadays. The paper presents a number of defects detected in the expert surveys of load-lifting cranes. Among the most dangerous defects causing failures and accidents are the following: cracks in the welded joints and the base metal of supporting structures; extreme negative sagging of the flight structure of bridge-type cranes; the weakening of bolted joints connecting sections, towers, arrows and portals; excessive wear–out and wire drop-offs of cargo ropes; unreliable securing cargo ropes ends; maximum wear-out of hoisting mechanisms couplings and brake pulleys; weakness and lack of bolts supporting-rotary devices of truck cranes, pneumatic valves, caterpillar and tower cranes; reduced braking torque of hoisting mechanisms brakes, swivel brakes, flight change brakes, movement of cranes and carriages; full or partial absence of, or an undesirable operating state of anti-theft devices; inability or the fault of the limit switching mechanisms; the failure or lack of capacity constraints; lack of or inoperable anemometers; unsatisfactory condition of the crane ways; the absence or poor condition of the dead-end stops; the unsatisfactory condition of power cables insulation; inability of voltage light-signalling on main bridge cranes trolleys; inefficiency of sound alarm, etc. The paper presents the ways to reduce the amount of load-lifting cranes with dangerous defects, i. e. cranes operated in the warning state.

Keywords: load-lifting crane, dangerous defect, failure, accident.


  1. Who | the world organization of health
  2. RD 10-112-96. Methodical instructions on inspection of load-lifting machines with expired service.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (16), 2013. Pages: 41-48

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Baranov Vasiliy Anatoljevich – General Director of ITC «Sibkranservice», Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:


Melkozerov V.M., Vasiliev S.I., Gorbunova L.N. Comparative analysis of polymer sorbents characteristics

Comparative analysis of polymer sorbents characteristics

Melkozerov V.M., Vasiliev S.I., Gorbunova L.N.

The paper presents the results of research and experimental-design work on creating and putting into production high-performance oil-absorbing polymer sorbents of “Unipolimer-M”and “Bio-Unipolimer” series, as well as a multi-functional composite “Menom”. Polymer sorbents of “Unipolimer-M” and “Bio-Unipolimer” series and “Menom” can be used for the localization of oil spills on water surfaces and swamps. Industrial wastewater treatment plants use them for fine cleaning water and industrial wastewater of oil products at car wash sites, steaming stations, oil depots and repair facilities. The above-mentioned sorbents are applied for rapid absorption and neutralization of spills of flammable, volatile and, first of all, highly toxic liquids. Polymer sorbents of “Unipolimer-M” and “Bio-Unipolimer” series and “Menom” do not cause ecological imbalance in the ecosystem and do not produce a negative effect on the biotypes of different trophic levels.

Keywords: oil, oil products, polymer sorbents, hydrosphere cleaning, soil reclamation.


  1. Arzhanov S.P., Vasiliev S.I., Gorbunova L.N. Safety in the oil and gas complex. − Krasnoyarsk: IPK SFU, 2008. − 519 p.
  2. Melkozerov M.G., Vasiliev S.I., Batutina V.M. Protection of the environment and environmental management. – Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University Press; Polytechnical University, 2007. – 198 p.
  3. Melkozerov V.M., Melkozerov M.G. Advanced materials technology design economy. – Krasnoyarsk, 2005. – P. 23-28.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 10-14

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Melkozerov Vladimir Maksimovich – Engineer, Center for training and development professionals and managers of oil and gas business, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Vasiliev Sergey Ivanovich – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:


Liberman J.L., Shterenzon V.A., Letnev K.Y., Gorbunova L.N. The development of magnetorheological vibration damper for industrial machines

The development of magnetorheological vibration damper for industrial machines

Liberman J.L., Shterenzon V.A., Letnev K.Y., Gorbunova L.N.

Аrticle is devoted to a problem of rise of safety ar maintenance of hoisting-and-transport computers. Dependence of occurrence of vertical oscillations of cargo which can lead to fatigue failures metal constructions of hoisting-and-transport computers, to a rope breakway from weight of cargo and length is installed. In article experimental installation for research of vertical oscillations of cargo on a rope suspension bracket is resulted and the hardware-software complex for processing of results is described.

Keywords: reliability and safety at maintenance, vertical oscillations of cargo, the period of oscillations, length of a rope, automatic systems of braking, magnetorheological vibration damper.


  1. Shliomis M.I. Effective viscosity of magnetic suspensions // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physic, 1971, № 6 (12), – P. 2411-2418
  2. Kevaev N.M., Kudryakov Y.B., Dubrovin N.A.  Magnitozhidkostnoe device for active vibration damping / Patent of USSR № 1433137, cl. A166/00, 1988.
  3. Orlov D.V., Mikhalev Y.O., Myshkin N.K. Magnetic fluids in mechanical engineering. Mashinostroenie, 1993. – 268 p.
  4. Kabakov A.M., Pabat A.I., Orlov A.N. Protection of crane vibration // Safety in Industry, 1997, № 5, p. 25-27.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 61-68

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Lieberman Jakov Lvovich – Ph.D., Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Shterenzon Vera Anatoljevna – Ph.D., Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Letnev Konstantin Yurjevich – Teacher, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:


Lieberman J.L., Gorbunova L.N. Device for removing icicles on the perimeter of the roof of the building

Device for removing icicles on the perimeter of the roof of the building

Lieberman J.L., Gorbunova L.N.

Given reasons for the formation of icing on the roofs of the buildings at the temperature of external air from-1–2°C to 8-10°C degrees. Under the influence of solar radiation or heat produced from the roof, the snow melts, the water flows down to the edge of the roof, where, coming into contact with a cold surface, air, freezes and forms ice «cap». The ice here, gradually accumulating, forms the ice, from which in the subsequent «germinate» icicles. Icicles often fall, causing injury to people, damaging the roof, facades of buildings, con-structions, vehicles, destroying the drainage pipes, etc. There are the following main directions of preventing the formation of icicles: improvement of drainage of water from the roofs of buildings; decrease the intensity of snow melting on the main plane of the building roofs, gutters, etc.; reduction of the weight of snow, which can accumulate on the roof; the use of devices and devices for the removal of icing. Proposed device for removal of icicles on the perimeter of the roof of the building.

Keywords: icicle frost.


  1. Antipenko A.I., Antipenko A.A. Tool for removing ice dams from the eaves of the roof // Russia Patent № 2096567, E04D 13/076, 20.11.97.
  2. Gorbunova L.N., Lieberman J.L. Device to remove icicles along building roof perimetre // Russia Patent № 2422600, E04D 13/076, 27.06.11.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (14), 2012. Pages: 8-11

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Lieberman Jakov Lvovich – Ph.D., Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:


Gorbunova L.N. Stress tolerance of knowledge workers – an important component in enterprise management efficiency

Stress tolerance of knowledge workers – an important component in enterprise management efficiency

Gorbunova L.N.

Stress-manual workers – an important component of the effectiveness of enterprise management In the conditions of scientific-technical progress in connection with the reduction of heavy and low-skilled manual labour and typical for modern professions combination of nervous tension with the «muscle hunger» leads to nervous and psychic stresses. A significant mental stress is considered as the main cause of neurotic shifts and the emergence of cardiovascular pathology in persons, employed in the system of enterprise management. In the article the characteristic features of the work of leading employees (the lack of physical activity and interpersonal relationships, lack of time for taking responsible decisions in extreme situations, etc.). With the increase of nervous tension increases total operating voltage of the organism, which can go into over-voltage, and in the subsequent to the development of production-related diseases and occupational stress. Recommendations are provided for the organization of work and rest during the day and the week of the senior staff and increase of their resistance to stress. We describe the physical and health-improving activities in the mode of work and rest, aimed at improving the efficiency, strengthening of health (basic standard forms of industrial gymnastics: introduction, preventive, restorative, etc.).

Keywords: hard work, illness, stress.


  1. MR 2184-80 «Physiological basis of model organization of work and leisure managers of industrial enterprises».
  2. MR «Prevention of stress state employees in various occupations».

«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (14), 2012. Pages: 4-7

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Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:


Baranov V.A., Gorbunova L.N. Traumatism and breakdown susceptibility at operation of load-lifting cranes

Traumatism and breakdown susceptibility at operation of load-lifting cranes

Baranov V.A., Gorbunova L.N.

The results of the analysis of injury and accidents in operating cargo cranes on the basis of: collection of information on accidents, incidents and problem analysis; structuring of accidents, accidents. Causes of increased accidents and injuries are: the low level of technical readiness of facilities for safe operation due to their considerable physical and mental ageing; the unsatisfactory level of organization and functioning of the system of ex-operation, maintenance and repair of equipment in enterprises; reduced liability of managers of enterprises to ensure safety of hazardous production facilities; a lack of professional qualification, low and extremely low discipline of engineering and operating staff; the imperfection of devices and security devices; lack of automation of operations, forced to find operator in hazardous areas; lack of knowledge about the dangerous technological processes, safety performance substances used in the manufacture, incomplete design solutions that ensure safety.

Keywords: load-lifting cranes, accidents, failures.


  1. Krasnich B.A., Gontarenko A.F., Klovach E.V., Sidorov V.I. Education and training in the field of industrial safety // Safety in Industry, 2000, № 12. – P. 4-7.
  2. Kotelnikov V.S., Nevzorov L.A. Quality technical examination of cranes – the key to trouble-free operation // Safety in Industry, 2001, № 10. – P. 2-5.
  3. Annual report on the activities of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision in 2010. – M: STC «Industrial safety», 2011.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 4-10

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Baranov Vasiliy Anatoljevich – General Director of “Sibkranservis”, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail: