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January 19, 2014

Biktashev D.A., Lieberman Y.L., Gorbunova L.N. Huffman-Lieberman synthesis code for CNC systems by DNC class machine tools

Huffman-Lieberman synthesis code for CNC systems by DNC class machine tools

Biktashev D.A., Lieberman Y.L., Gorbunova L.N.

DNC class CNC systems are the most rational and promising type of equipment and control systems, in particular, machine tools for flexible automated production. The two types of codes are used in the DNC systems such as Chudakov’s corrective ISO-7bit codes and the optimal (statistical) codes, based on Huffman’s synthesis algorithm. It is extremely difficult to detect errors in the programs made in Huffman’s code, if there are any. This entails a significant complication of CNC system interfaces and requires special software of their work. The paper presents an optimal Huffman-Lieberman uneven code for the transmission of control programs from the computer to the CNC machine tools designed for flexible automated production. The paper describes one of the possible synthesis algorithms of such codes and compares Huffman-Lieberman code with ISO-7bit Chudakov’s and Huffman’s algorithm. Huffman-Lieberman code will improve accident-free DNC class CNC systems, as well as reduce possible production failures and economic losses.

Keywords: Huffman-Lieberman code, CNC system, parity control, flexible automated production.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (15), 2013. Pages: 35-44

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Biktashev Denis Andreevich – Engineer, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Lieberman Yakov Lvovich – Ph.D., Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna – Ph.D., Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail:

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