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Grigorjuk E.N. Application of empirical methods of scientific knowledge in the development of production safety management systems

Application of empirical methods of scientific knowledge in the development of production safety management systems

Grigorjuk E.N.

Man occupies one of the most important places in the world not because he is at the «top» of the evolutionary process, but because a person may be a factor of «directability» or «controllability» of development, wherein heading the latter towards growing stability. The rapid technosphere development increases the possibility of uncontrolled energy emissions that can result in accidents and technospheric disasters, leading in turn to injuries, occupational diseases and mortality. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a technological process management system, which purpose and motivation are forecasting and identification of possible deviations, as well as reducing the accident probability. This paper discusses the possibility of designing a model of risk management system and building a management system for complex production process by means of empirical methods of scientific knowledge in order to reduce the possibility of man-made hazards.

Keywords: empirical methods of scientific knowledge, a model experiment, research procedures, safety.


  1. Vernadskiy V.I. On science. Vol. 1. Scientific knowledge. Scientific creativity. Scientific thought. – Dubna: Phoenix, 1997. – 576 p.
  2. Kochanovskiy V.P., Zolotukhin E.V., Leshkevich T.G., Fathi T.B. Philosophy postgraduate textbook. 2nd ed. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003. – 448 p.
  3. Louis de Broglie. Along the science paths. – Moscow: Publishing House of Foreign Literature, 1962. – 408 p.
  4. Mikeshina L.A. Philosophy of science. – Moscow: Progress–Tradition, 2005. – 464 p.
  5. Labor protection – History of labor protection in Russia [electronic resource]
  6. Menshikov V.V., Shvyrjaev A.A. Hazardous chemical facilities and technological risk: Textbook. – Moscow: Khimiya, 2003. – 254 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (18), 2013. Pages: 5-11

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Grigorjuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Grigorjuk E.N. Estimation of the model ventilation system parameters for industrial premises

Estimation of the model ventilation system parameters for industrial premises

Grigorjuk E.N.

With advances in technical progress, the impact of human activities on the environment is becoming more and more devastating. Nowadays, people are suffering from negative effects of various physical and chemical factors. One of the most serious problems of modern manufacturing companies is poor air quality inside the industrial premises. Specialists have discovered more than a thousand of toxic substances so far, which may negatively affect the state of health of workmen and cause dangerous diseases. Thereupon, the issue of ensuring industrial and ecological safety of manufacturing companies has become very acute. The paper considers the way of designing a model ventilation system for industrial premises using Simulink simulation environment in Matlab complex. The model experiment and the estimation of dynamic indicators are under way.

Keywords: model experiment, ventilation system, system model.


  1. Ananev V.A., Balueva L.N., Galperin A.D. Ventilation and conditioning systems. Theory and Practice. – Moscow: Evroklimat, 2001. – 416 p.
  2. Antimonov S.V., Solovyh S.Y., Vasilevska S.P. Types of ventilation and method of calculation of ventilation in rooms: Guidelines on the course ventilation systems – Orenburg: OSU, 2003. – 21 p.
  3. Peregoudov V.F., Tarasenko V.P. Introduction to systems analysis. – Moscow: Nauka, 1989.
  4. Sovetov B.Y, Yakovlev S.A. Modeling of systems. – Moscow: Higher School, 2001. – 343 p.
  5. Sereda S.N. The model parameters estimation of the environmental safety systems // Engineering industry and life safety,  2011, № 1. – P. 10-13.
  6. Belov P.G. Modeling of dangerous processes in the technosphere. – Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Civil Defence Emergency Situations Ministry, 1999. – 124 p.
  7. Teriokhin V.V. Modeling in MATLAB system: Study Guide – Novokuznetsk: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2004. – 376 p.
  8. Semchenok M.S., Semchenok N.M. The Matlab system. Part 1: Textbook. – St. Petersburg: Pub. SPbGUKIT, 2004. – 140 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (17), 2013. Pages: 5-9

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Grigorjuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Grigorjuk E.N. The influence of the chemical industry waste water to water districts Murom of Vladimir region

The influence of the chemical industry waste water to water districts Murom of Vladimir region

Grigorjuk E.N.

The article considers the application of the environmental monitoring for detection of influence of the environ-ment pollution which produced by the chemical industry facilities on the water and agricultural resources. The analysis of the environment situation in the region of Murom Instrument Plant is carried out. The character of pollution and its chemical composition is developed. Finally, the solution for normalization of the environmental situation is proposed.

Keywords: environment, environmental monitoring, environment pollution, sewage, anionic surfactants heavy metals.


  1. Solovjev L.P., Bulkin V.V., Sharapov R.V. The existence of man in the technosphere // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 1 (11) – P.31-39.
  2. Vernadsky V.I. The chemical structure of the Earth’s biosphere and its environment. – Moscow: Nauka, 1965. – 354 p.
  3. Yakovenko G.P. Environment monitoring. Part 1. – Vladivostok, 2007. – 180 p.
  4. Copper
  5. Gritsenko A.V., Lisiev V.N. Biosphere monitoring – Kharkov: HTADTU, 2000. – 100 p.
  6. River Ilevna // State water register
  7. Portal regulations
  8. System of industrial wastewater treatment // Production Company “Rybinskkompleks”

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 20-22

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Grigorjuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Bulkin A.V., Bulkin V.V., Grigorjuk E.N. An analysis of the possible impact of the distribution of wind flows on the distribution of contaminants in the vicinity of Murom

An analysis of the possible impact of the distribution of wind flows on the distribution of contaminants in the vicinity of Murom

Bulkin A.V., Bulkin V.V., Grigorjuk E.N.

An analysis of the impact of the distribution of wind flows on the nature of the possible pollution enterprises in Murom area. It is shown that there is a risk not only the transmission of air pollutants in residential areas, but also education sluggish.

Keywords: wind flow, chemical industry, contamination.


  1. Smit K. Principles of Applied Climatology.- McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) Limited, London, 1975.
  2. Grigoryuk E.N. The influence of the chemical industry waste water to water districts Murom of Vladimir region // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 2. – P.20-22.
  3. Tarasov V.V., Tikhonova I.O., Kruchinina N.E. Air monitoring. – M.: Forum: INFRA-M, 2007. -128 p.
  4. Bulkin A.V., Shugaeva T.Y., Bulkin V.V. The reliability of the results of environmental control through training meteorological station // Methods and apparatus information transmission and processing. Issue 7, 2006. – P.78-83.
  5. Shugaeva T.Y., Bulkin A.V., Kiselev N.F., Bulkin V.V. The nature of some of the parameters of the synoptic atmospheric boundary layer // Methods and apparatus information transmission and processing. Issue 8, 2007. – P.55-60.
  6. Bulkin A.V., Bulkin V.V. The distribution of wind flow in an urban space as an element of environmental monitoring // Engineering industry and life safety, 2008, № 5. – P.14-20.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 16-19

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Bulkin Alexey Vladislavovich – Head of Laboratory nondestructive testing CJSC “MuromEnergoMash”, postgraduate student, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Bulkin Vladislav Venediktovich – Professor, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

Grigorjuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: