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Сообщения, помеченные ‘The research on wave propagation in a plastic sample based on the plastic flow theory’


Kokoreva O.G. The research on wave propagation in a plastic sample based on the plastic flow theory

The research on wave propagation in a plastic sample based on the plastic flow theory

Kokoreva O.G.

The paper presents the research results on mechanical properties of materials under pulsed loads. The effect of dynamic loads in technological processes of part surface plastic flow (deformation) is considered. The relation-ship of strength analysis to the strain rate under pulsed loads is given. Plastic wave propagation process in a metal sample is discussed. The part surface stress state mechanism under pulse loads is described. Calculation results analysis of dynamic strength material characteristics, using the theory of strain and stress wave propaga-tion, is performed. The sample movement equation under the plastic flow theory is given. The paper presents accurate results on determining mechanical properties of materials under dynamic loads, following the flow and strain wave propagation. Wave propagation in solids is described by means of gap functions propagation and their derivatives.

Keywords: dynamic loads; strength characteristics; deformation; voltage; sample; movement equation; wave processes; mechanical properties.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (20), 2014. Pages: 69-73

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Kokoreva Olga Grigorjevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: