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Lodigina N.D. Calculations on pile foundations on karst territories

Calculations on pile foundations on karst territories

Lodigina N.D.

The analysis of major accidents caused by karst deformation shows that in every case the mistakes have been made at different stages of construction: site selection, engineering survey, design, facilities construction and their operation. The paper presents calculations on stress-strain state of the pile strip foundation in the course of karst hole formation. The pile design scheme is presented as a rod elastically secured into the ground at one end while the other end has a pivotally-fixed pairing with grillage and load linearly increasing on the pile. The paper defines pile deformation (displacement, cross sections rotation angles), bending moment and strains in the pile, depending on variable z, which values range from zero in the joint to 1in a tight sealing. This calculation technique makes it possible to perform the power analysis of forces acting on the pile in karst holes caused by the caving-in horizontal soil pressure, as well as to do all kinds of calculations on piles (including test, design and load capacity).

Keywords: calculations on pile foundations, karst, strain, deformation, technique.


  1. Osipov V.I., Kutepov V.N., Zverev V.P. Opasnye jekzogennye processy [Exogenous processes]. – Moscow: GEOS, 1999. – 290 p.
  2. Sharapov R.V. Nekotorye voprosy monitoringa jekzogennyh processov [Some problems of exogenous processes monitoring] // Fundamental’nye issledovanija [Fundamental research], 2013, № 1-2. – P. 444-447.
  3. Sharapov R.V. Monitoring jekzogennyh processov [Monitoring of exogenous processes] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2012, № 2. – P.39-42.
  4. Sharapov R.V. Perehod ot tehnicheskih k prirodno-tehnicheskim sistemam [The transition from the technical to the natural-technical systems] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2012, № 2. – P.43-46.
  5. Rekomendacii po proektirovaniju zdanij i sooruzhenij v karstovyh rajonah SSSR [Recommendations for the design of buildings and structures in karst regions of the USSR]. – Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1967.
  6. Gotman A.L., Magzumov R.N. Metod rascheta svajnyh lentochnyh fundamentov pri obrazovanii karstovogo provala [Calculation method of pile strip foundations in the formation of karst failure] // Vestnik MGTU, 2014, №2. – P.74-83.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (20), 2014. Pages: 15-18
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Lodigina Nina Dmitrievna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Rus-sia. E-mail:


Lodigina N.D. Calculations of contact stresses of mating screw surfaces

Calculations of contact stresses of mating screw surfaces

Lodigina N.D.

Due to stress concentration in the contact area, there is a great deal of strain, which results in the local plastic deformation and destruction. Contact stresses take up some 80% of the total amount of stresses in strength estimation of screw mating surfaces. It is difficult to determine nominal contact stresses, so the calculations are performed by the elasticity theory methods. The contact stresses have been calculated by Hertz formulas in the longitudinal screw cross-section of a screw mechanism. The need to calculate contact stresses in the longitudinal screw cross-section is caused by total stresses of the screw, coil and contact stresses (a complex calculation technique of the stress state screw surfaces). Energy deformation analysis (the fourth theory of strength) is used as the contact strength criterion; its applicability has been proved by the experimental data. It is advisable to apply this contact stress calculation technique to all types of point-contact gearing as well as friction gearing.

Keywords: contact stresses, the contact strength, spiral surface, tangential stresses, the strength criterion of modification energy.


  1. Gostev E.G. A short course of materials strength. – Moskow: Nauka, 1977. – 456 p.
  2. Lodigina N.D. Investigation of the stress components screw mechanisms // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 1. – P. 63-66.
  3. Lodigina N.D. Stressed state at the arbitrary point of the section of the turns of components of misaligned screw mechanisms // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 2. – P. 55-57.
  4. Calculations of strength in engineering / S.D. Ponomarev, V.L. Biderman, K.K. Likhachev, etc. – Moskow: Mashgiz, Vol.1, 1956. – 884 p., Vol.2, 1958. – 974 p., Vol.3, 1959. – 1118 p.
  5. Rechetov D.N., Goller D.E., Bragin V.V. Prospects for standardization calculations gears // Bulletin of Engineering Industry. 1985, № 11. – P. 3-7.
  6. Sharapov R.V., Lodigina N.D. Stress analysis of parts misalignment screw mechanism // Fundamental research, 2009, №5. – P. 70-71.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (15), 2013. Pages: 67-71

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Lodigina Nina Dmitrievna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Lodigina N.D. Calculation of extreme stress at any point in detail misalignment screw mechanism in operation

Calculation of extreme stress at any point in detail misalignment screw mechanism in operation

Lodigina N.D.

Hired sanctified to the complex decision of task on to determination of extreme and calculation tensions in any point details of misaligned screw mechanism during exploitation. The generalized mathematical model of the tense state of the attended details of misaligned screw mechanism wrap-round all known methods of fixing of multi-stage details of misaligned screw mechanism is worked out.

Keywords: extreme tensions, mathematical model, misaligned screw mechanism.


  1. Lodigina N.D. The calculation of stresses in the section screws misaligned screw mechanisms // Engineering industry and life safety, 2010, № 7. – P. 122-125
  2. Lazutkina N.A., Lodigina N.D. Stress state of lead screw of misaligned screw mechanisms // Modern high technologies, 2011, №4. – P. 41-44.
  3. Sharapov R.V., Lodigina N.D. Stress analysis of parts misalignment screw mechanism // Fundamental research, 2009, №5. – P. 70-71.
  4. Lodigina N.D. Investigation of the stress components screw mechanisms // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 1. – P. 63-66
  5. Lodigina N.D. Stressed state at the arbitrary point of the section of the turns of components of misaligned screw mechanisms // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 2. – P. 55-57

«Engineering industry and life safety» №2 (12), 2012. Pages: 69-72

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Lodigina Nina Dmitrievna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: