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Сообщения, помеченные ‘№1 (19) 2014’


Mohsen M.N.M., Boguslavskiy I.V. Problems using wireless sensor networks for monitoring industrial facilities

Problems using wireless sensor networks for monitoring industrial facilities

Mohsen M.N.M., Boguslavskiy I.V.

This article discusses common technology to build wireless sensor networks, set the problems associated with their construction and use, in general, and in relation to a particular subject area – monitoring of industrial facili-ties. The urgency of the problem. Classify the main problems affecting the construction and operation of such networks is considered exposure to the problems of common technology. We give conclusions regarding the ap-plicability of the technology at industrial sites. And in This article describes an implementation of solutions in the form of a computer program. Results of computer simulations give conclusions regarding the applicability of the technology in practice and here we compare between the wireless sensors to choose the best and more effective one through computer simulation.

Keywords: wireless sensor networks, monitoring of industrial facilities, security, control equipment performance.


  1. Vishnevsky V., Gaykovich G. Besprovodnye sensornye seti v sistemah promyshlennoj avtomatiki [Wireless sensor networks in industrial automation systems] // Jelektronika: Nauka, Tehnologija, Biznes [Electronics: Science, Technology, Business], 2008, № 1. – P. 106-110.
  2. Mochalov V.A Metod sinteza otkazoustojchivoj struktury sensornoj seti pri nalichii ogranichenij po razmeshheniju uzlov seti v raznorodnom prostranstve [Method of synthesis of fault-tolerant sensor network structure with constraints on placement of network nodes in heterogeneous space] // T-Comm: Telekommunikacii i transport [T-Comm: Telecommunications and Transportation], 2012, № 10. – P. 71-75.
  3. Whitaker M., Bocharnikov I. Energy Harvesting. Novyj jetap v razvitii avtonomnyh ustrojstv [Energy Harvesting. A new stage in the development of autonomous devices] // Komponenty i tehnologii [Components and Technologies], 2010, № 8. – P. 146-169.
  4. Veskov L.S, Komarov M.M Metod jenergeticheskoj balansirovki besprovodnoj stacionarnoj sensornoj seti s avtonomnymi istochnikami pitanija [The method of energy balancing fixed wireless sensor network with independent power sources] // Informacionnye sistemy i tehnologii v biznese [Information Systems and Technology business], 2012, vol. 19, №. 1. – P. 70-75.
  5. Kireev A.A., Svetlov A.V. Raspredelennaja sistema jenergeticheskogo monitoringa besprovodnyh sensornyh setej [Distributed system energy monitoring of wireless sensor networks] // Izvestija JuFU. Tehnicheskie nauki [Proceedings of the SFU. Engineering], 2011, vol. 118, № 5. – P. 60-65.
  6. Formazier H., Martin A., Messner S. Wireless Communication: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4, DASH7 [electronic resource] // URL: http://rose. /2012/03/Wireless-communication.pdf.
  7. Verhulevskiy K., Sharopin Y. Otkrytyj standart besprovodnoj seti ONE-NET i apparatnye reshenija na ego osnove. Chast’ 2 [Open standard wireless network ONE-NET and hardware solutions based on it. Part 2] // Sovremennaja jelektronika [Modern electronics], 2008, № 9. – P. 22-25.
  8. Microchip ZigBee Protocol Connectivity Solutions [electronic resource] URL:
  9. Artyushenko V.M., Korgaknin V.A. Analiz besprovodnyh tehnologij obmena dannymi v sistemah avtomatizacii zhizneobespechenija proizvodstvennyh i ofisnyh pomeshhenij [Analysis of wireless data exchange in automation systems life support industrial and office space] // Jelektrotehnicheskie i informacionnye kompleksy i sistemy [Electrical and information systems and systems], 2010, vol. 6, № 2. – P. 18–24.
  10. Leonov A. Moduli ZigBee sokrashhajut razrabotku ZigBee-sovmestimyh produktov vdvoe [ZigBee modules reduce development ZigBee-compliant products twice] // Besprovodnye tehnologii [Wireless], 2007, № 1. – P. 14-16.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 73-77

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Moshen Mohammed Neama Moshen – Graduate student, Don State Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq. E-mail:
Boguslavskiy Igor Vladimirovich – Professor, Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail:


Sharapov R.V. Methods of processing incomplete data for geo-environmental monitoring

Methods of processing incomplete data for geo-environmental monitoring

Sharapov R.V.

The paper analyzes the methods of incomplete data processing received in the course of geo-environmental monitoring. In the surveying process the part of data can be missed as a result of hardware failures, errors in research conducting, or when observations fail to be made in some periods, etc. Furthermore, the maximum likelihood method, the regression method, the principal component analysis, the stepwise regression, multivariate linear extrapolation method, the method of predictive variables can be used for error detecting and filling in the gaps of data sets. These methods work fine for large data sets and known distribution functions of the values in question. Empirical methods can be used for processing small amounts of information. The method of modeling low-dimensional manifolds is applied for filling in the incomplete data and correcting its errors.

Keywords: exogenous processes, monitoring, data, data processing, incomplete data.


  1. Sharapov R.V. O soglasovanii dannyh monitoringa jekzogennyh processov, poluchennyh iz raznorodnyh istochnikov [On the conformity of monitoring data obtained from various sources]// Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2013, № 4. – P.43-46.
  2. Sharapov R.V.Nekotorye voprosy monitoringa jekzogennyh processov [Some problems of exogenous processes monitoring] // Fundamental’nye issledovanija [Fundamental research], 2013, № 1-2. – P. 444-447
  3. Wilks S.S. Moments and distributions of estimates of population from fragmentary samples // Annals of MathematicalStatistics, 1932, vol.3. – P. 163-195.
  4. Afifi A.A., Elashoff R.M. Missing observations in multivariate statistics // Journal of the AmericanStatisticalAssociation, 1966, vol. 61. – P. 595-604.
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  15. Little R.J., Rubin D. B. Statistical Analysis with Missing Data. – Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 1987. – 278 р.
  16. Zagorujko N.G., Elkina V.N., Timerkaev V.S. Algoritm zapolnenija propuskov v jempiricheskih tablicah (algoritm ZET) [Algorithm fill the gaps in empirical tables (algorithm ZET)] // Vychislitel’nye sistemy [Computer systems]. Novosibirsk, 1975. vol. 61. Jempiricheskoe predskazanie i raspoznavanie obrazov [Empirical prediction and pattern recognition]. – P. 3-27.
  17. Gorban A.N., Novohodko Yu.A., Tsaregorodtsev V.G. Nejrosetevaja realizacija transponirovannoj zadachi linejnoj regressii [Neural implementation of the transposed linear regression problem] // Nejroinformatika i ee prilozhenija. Tes. docl. IV Vseross. seminara [Proceedings of Neuroinformatics and its applications], Krasnoyarsk, 5-7 October 1996. – P. 37–39.
  18. Gorban A.N., Rossiev A.A. Neural network iterative method of principal curves for data with gaps // Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 1999. Т. 38. № 5. С. 825-830.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 68-72

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Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Solovjev L.P. Infrasound and vibrations monitoring system in residential areas

Infrasound and vibrations monitoring system in residential areas

Solovjev L.P.

The paper deals with the monitoring system condition analysis of infrasonic fluctuation in residential areas. The existing monitoring system of residential areas environment is mainly based on the chemical pollution level identification. The physical (power) pollution system control of residential areas has not been implemented yet. It is important to pay attention to the monitoring system organization of noise influence levels and infrasonic range noise in particular. The paper considers the main characteristics of infrasonic fluctuations and distinctive features of human exposure. The main sources of infrasonic fluctuations and methods of infrasound level decrease are characterized. The paper presents the main objectives for infrasonic fluctuations monitoring and the recommendations for reducing infrasound influence level on a human body.

Keywords: residential areas monitoring, chemical pollution, physical pollution, infrasound characteristics, infrasound human exposure.


  1. Grinchenko V.T.Dejstvie nizkochastotnogo zvuka i vibracij na cheloveka [Effect of low frequency sound and vibration on human] // Akusticheskij simpozium «Konsonans-2007» [Processing of Acoustic Symposium «Consonance 2007»], Kiew, 25-27 September 2007. – Kiew, 2007. – P. 3-20.
  2. Sokol G.I.Opredelenie rezonansnyh chastot tel biologicheskih ob#ektov[Determination of resonance frequencies of bodies of biological objects] // 3-ja Mezhdunarodnaja molodezhnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija. «Chelovek i kosmos», posvjashhennaja 40-letiju pervogo poleta cheloveka v kosmos [3rd International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference. «Man and Space», dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the first manned space flight], 2002. – P.27.
  3. Novogrudskiy E.E. Infrazvuk: vrag ili drug? [Infrasound: friend or foe?] / E.E. Novogrudskiy, A.I. Shulgin, A.A. Valiulin. – Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1989. – 64 p.
  4. Ashina M.V.Gigienicheskaja ocenka akusticheskih nagruzok ot avtotransporta i puti optimizacii shumovogo rezhima na primagistral’nyh selitebnyh territorijah krupnogo goroda [Hygienic evaluation of acoustic loads from vehicles and ways to optimize the noise mode on primagistralnyh residential areas of a large city] / Author. diss. candidate. med. sciences. – Nizhny Novgorod, 1997.
  5. Gamov M.I.Improved methods of assessment and prediction of noise pollution in mining areas the region based on studies of acoustic fields induced by road [Sovershenstvovanie metodiki ocenki i prognoza shumovogo zagrjaznenija territorij v gornopromyshlennom regione na osnove issledovanij akusticheskih polej, navedennyh avtotransportom] / Author. diss. candidate. tech. sciences. –Tula, 2009.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 64-67

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Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Romanov R.V., Dorofeev N.V. The application of geophysical methods for karst localization process

The application of geophysical methods for karst localization process

Romanov R.V., Dorofeev N.V.

Protection of national economic projects from possible effects of catastrophes as well as the geological environment control in the operation of industrial facilities involves geodynamic objects monitoring. The paper deals with the identification of karst geodynamic objects by means of geophysical methods. Resistance method is chosen as the main one. The method has some modifications such as the electric profiling and the electric sounding. The modification choice depends on the tasks, areas and conditions under sounding. The paper also deals with the physical basis of the resistance method and initial results obtained by electrical profiling and electric sounding. The nature of the relationship between the apparent resistivity and the geological section structure is illustrated in graphs. The electrical sounding curves type dependence on the parameters ratio of geoelectric section layers is determined.

Keywords: electric sounding, karst process, geoelectric section, geodynamic object.


  1. Kuzichkin O.R. Programmno-apparatnaja organizacija jelektrolokacionnyh sistem pri geomonitoringe karsta [Hardware and software electro location systems at geomonitoring karst] // Proektirovanie i tehnologija jelektronnyh sredstv [Design and technology of electronic means], 2006, vol. 4. – P 54-58.
  2. Lisitcin V.V. Rekomendacii po geofizicheskomu issledovaniju zakarstovannosti territorij, prednaznachennyh dlja stroitel’stva [Recommendations of geophysics research of karst areas designated for construction]. – Moscow, 1971.
  3. Dobrokhotova I.A., K.V. Novikov Jelektrorazvedka. Uchebnoe posobie [Electromagnetics. Textbook]. – Moscow, SGU, 2009. – 55 p.
  4. Orekhov A.A., Dorofeev N.V. Organizacionnaja struktura geojekologicheskogo monitoringa geodinamicheskih ob#ektov [The organizational structure of geoecological monitoring of geodynamic objects] // Tehnologii tehnosfernoj bezopasnosti [Technology of Technosphere Security], 2012, № 4 (44). – P. 1-4.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 59-63

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Romanov Roman Vyacheslavovich – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State Uni-versity, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Dorofeev Nikolay Viktorovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Orekhov A.A., Dorofeev N.V. Research of the endogenous geological factors influence on karst-suffusion processes and geodynamic monitoring

Research of the endogenous geological factors influence on karst-suffusion processes and geodynamic monitoring

Orekhov A.A., Dorofeev N.V.

Cavernous porosity areas intended for industrial and economic needs often lead to emergency or disastrous consequences. In practice such troubles can be avoided at various stages ranging from the site selection to the immediate maintenance of the facility using specialized engineering – geological techniques (pre-construction) and geodynamic monitoring system (during operation). The paper deals with the endogenous factors influence on geological karst-suffusion processes, of which the most predominant is the groundwater mode. The extent of their impact on the geodynamic monitoring is determined. The application of geoelectric monitoring for groundwater salinity levels is proved to be feasible. The endogenous factor has been determined as the main source of karst-suffusion processes development which is an aggressive groundwater activity involving geochemical and hydrodynamic factors.

Keywords: geoelectric control, geodynamic object, endogenous factors, karst-suffusion processes.


  1. Orekhov A.A., Kuzichkin O.R. Vlijanie prirodnyh pomehoobrazujushhih faktorov na provedenie jelektromagnitnogo kontrolja geodinamicheskih ob#ektov [The influence of natural factors on noise immunity forming holding of the electromagnetic control of geodynamic objects] // Radiopromyshlennost’ [Radioindustry], 2012, №2. – P. 138-147.
  2. Orekhov A.A. Issledovanie i razrabotka programmno-apparatnogo kompleksa dlja jekologicheskogo monitoringa poverhnostnyh i podzemnyh vod na baze metoda geojelektricheskogo kontrolja [Research and development of hardware and software system for environmental monitoring of surface water and groundwater based on the method of geoelectric control] // Uchenye zapiski Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo gidrometeorologicheskogo universiteta [Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University], 2013, № 28. – P. 72-77.
  3. Orekhov A.A., Dorofeev N.V. Geojelektricheskij metod kontrolja kachestva vodnyh ob#ektov [Geoelectric method of quality control water objects] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2012, № 2. – P. 33-35.
  4. Orekhov A.A., Dorofeev N.V. Issledovanie vlijanija rezhima podzemnyh vod na kontrol’ geodinamicheskih ob#ektov [Investigation of influence of groundwater regime on geodynamic control objects] // Algoritmy, metody i sistemy obrabotki dannyh [Algorithms, methods, and data processing system], 2012, vol. 3 (21). – 47-53.
  5. Rodionov N.V. Inzhenerno-geologicheskie issledovanija v karstovyh rajonah [Engineering and geologic studies in karst areas]. – Moscow: Gosgeoltechizdat 1958. – 186 p.
  6. Truhin V.I. Obshhaja i jekologicheskaja geofizika [General and environmental geophysics]. – Moscow: FIZMATLIT 2005. – 576 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 55-59

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Orekhov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich – Teacher, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Dorofeev Nikolay Viktorovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Bulkin V.V., Solovjev L.P., Sharapov R.V., Pervushin R.V., Kirillov I.N. The problems of creating monitoring systems for acoustic noise pollution in residential areas

The problems of creating monitoring systems for acoustic noise pollution in residential areas

Bulkin V.V., Solovjev L.P., Sharapov R.V., Pervushin R.V., Kirillov I.N.

Noise pollution of residential areas is becoming an increasingly serious problem. Continuous growth in automotive transport intensity, construction and industrial sites in the urban environment lead to the fact that the acoustic discomfort zone in modern cities covers up to 50 % of their territory. It is urgent to monitor acoustic noise pollution in residential areas as well as predict possible noise propagation deep into residential areas. Besides acoustic noise of the audible range, infrasound and ultrasonic waves aggravate noise pollution. When predicting acoustic noise propagation, it is necessary to consider the local meteorological parameters for specific areas of urban environment. Thus, the task of creating automatic combined monitoring systems is becoming extremely important. Noise propagation prediction can be provided by means of geographic information systems. The paper analyzes the known and possible approaches and tools for solving the problem of efficient noise pollution monitoring of residential areas.

Keywords: acoustic noise, meteorological parameters, infrasound, visualization, measuring system.


  1. Mukhamedova G.R. Harakteristiki otoakusticheskoj jemissii ulic, podvergajushhihsja vozdejstviju intensivnogo proizvodstvennogo shuma [Otoacoustic emission characteristics in individuals exposed to intense industrial noise]: PhD work. –Moscow: 2006. –16 p.
  2.  Kalinichenko M.V. Nekotorye aspekty problemy zagrjaznenija urbanizirovannyh territorij avtotransportom (na primere goroda Muroma)[Some aspects of the problem of pollution in urban areas motor vehicles (for example, the city of Murom)] // Jekologija i promyshlennost’ Rossii [Ecology and Industry of Russia], 2012, №12. – P.2-5.
  3. Solovjev L.P., Bulkin V.V., Sharapov R.V. Sushhestvovanie cheloveka v ramkah tehnosfery [The existence of man in the technosphere] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2012, № 1 (11). – P.31-39.
  4. Bulkin V.V., Bulkin A.V. Raspredelenie vetrovyh potokov v urbanizirovannom prostranstve kak jelement sistemy kon-trolja jekologicheskoj obstanovki [Distribution of wind flows in an urban space as an element of control environmental conditions] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2008, № 5. –P.14-20.
  5. Belyaev V.E., Bulkin V.V., Kirillov I.N. Operativnyj akustolokacionnyj monitoring prizemnogo sloja atmosfery [Operational monitoring acoustic location atmospheric boundary layer] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2010, № 7. –P.18-21.
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  8. Smit K. Principles of Applied Climatology.– McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) Limited, London, 1975.
  9. Panova M.S., Bulkin V.V. O dostovernosti kontrolja sinopticheskih parametrov pri nalichii i otsutstvii vozmushhajushhih faktorov tehnogennogo haraktera [The reliability of the synoptic control parameters in the presence and absence of disturbing factors manmade] // Metody i ustrojstva peredachi i ob-rabotki informacii [Methods and the transmission and processing of information], 2010, № 1 (12). – P.38-40.
  10. Bulkin V.V., Grigorjuk E.N., Bulkin A.V. Analiz vozmozhnogo vlijanija raspredelenija vetrovyh potokov na harakter rasprostranenija zagrjaznjajushhih veshhestv v okrestnostjah Muroma [An analysis of the possible impact of the distribution of wind flows on the distribution of contaminants in the vicinity of Murom] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2012, № 2. –P.16-19.
  11. Bulkin V.V., Belyaev V.E., Kirillov I.N. Model’ passivno-aktivnoj akustolokacionnoj jekologo-meteo37.
  12. Ryazapov A.Z., Vasyuchkova E.I., Voronich S.S., Bagryantsev V.A., Slepchenko V.N., Lomakin G.V. Vozmozhnosti razvitija apparaturno-metodicheskogo obespechenija regional’noj sistemy jekologicheskogo monitoringa [Opportunities for the development of hardware and methodological support of the regional environmental monitoring system] // Jekologicheskie sistemy i pribory [Environmental Systems and Devices], № 7, 2012. –P.13-17.
  13. Pervushin R.V. Model’ izmeritel’noj radiometeorologicheskoj sistemy [Model radiometeorological measuring system] // Metody i ustrojstva peredachi i obrabotki informacii [Methods and the transmission and processing of information], 2009, № 11. –P.406-410.
  14. Bulkin V.V. Sovmeshhjonnye radiolokacionnye sistemy meteorologicheskogo naznachenija [Combined radar systems for meteorological purposes] // Radiotehnicheskie i telekommunikacionnye sistemy [Ra86.
  15. Demidenko A.G. Opyt primenenija GIS-tehnologij KB “Panorama” pri postroenii avtomatizirovannyh sistem monitoringa[Experience in the application of GIS technology KB “Panorama” in the construction of automated monitoring systems] // Inzhenernye izyskanija [Engineering surveys], 2009, № 10. – P.62-66.
  16. Sharapov R.V., Sharapova E.V., Tsvetnikov A.V. Geoinformacionnaja sistema edinogo jekologicheskogo monitoringa regiona [Geoinformation system of unified environmental monitoring region] // Valihanovskie chtenija-10: Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Proceeding of Valihanov reeds 10]. Vol. 9. Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, 2005. – P.263-266.
  17. Solovjev L.P. Sovershenstvovanie sistemy monitoringa selitebnyh territorij naselennyh punktov jekologo-jekonomicheskih sistem [Improvement of monitoring residential areas of ecological and economic systems] // Mashinostroenie i bezopasnost’ zhiznedejatel’nosti [Engineering industry and life safety], 2013, № 2. –P.15-19.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 48-54

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Bulkin Vladislav Venediktovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Sharapov Ruslan Vladimirovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Pervushin Radislav Valentinovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University. E-mail:
Kirillov Ivan Nikolaevich – Graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Shtikov E.A. First-respond buildings as a way of protecting residential areas from noise pollution

First-respond buildings as a way of protecting residential areas from noise pollution

Shtikov E.A.

The paper considers the noise pollution issue of residential areas in the town of Murom. The paper presents analysis on the most common methods of noise control such as source noise reduction, sound suppression, con-struction and planning activities and engineering tools. Special attention is paid to the construction and planning means, that is the first-respond buildings. The paper presents performance calculations on the above mentioned noise control means in one of the typical residential areas. The calculations have been performed in Kulikov Street section in the town of Murom. The results show that the first-respond buildings prove to be a working means of noise control. It is advisable to rationalize this technique while designing and constructing residential areas, rather than when the noise is produced.

Keywords: first-respond building, residential areas, noise pollution.


  1. Radzevich N.N., Pashkang K.V. Ohrana i preobrazovanie prirody [Security and the transformation of nature]. – Moscow: Education, 1986.
  2. SNIP 23-03-2003. Zashhita ot shuma [Protection against noise]. – Moscow Stroyizdat 2004.
  3. Vosnesenskaya E.S., Leontieva Y.N.Raschet transportnogo shuma: Metodicheskie ukazanija k raschetno-graficheskoj rabote [Calculation of traffic noise: Guidelines for calculation and graphic work]. – St. Petersburg.: Civil Engineering, 2007. – 42 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 42-47

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Shtikov Evgeniy Andreevich – Student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Sidorov A.V. The technique of small air ions concentration measurement at the PC operator working place

The technique of small air ions concentration measurement at the PC operator working place

Sidorov A.V.

The paper considers small air ions concentration measurements guidelines and operation manuals for small air ions counters “Sapphire-3k”, MAS-01 and “Alpha Lab Air Ion Counter”. The guidelines and manuals under analysis appear to lack recommendations required for small air ions concentration measurement in the course of the research work, as well as for obtaining the most accurate and reliable results. While working out measurement guidelines it is advisable to follow the provisions of Instructional Lines 4.3.1675-03 “General Requirements for Air Ionic Composition Control” and GOST 8.207-76 “Direct measurements with multiple observations. Observation results processing methods. Main principles” of disregarding random error value under instrumental error enormity. While using “Sapphire-3k” air ion counter the guidelines on small air ions concentration measurements have been worked out and provided.

Keywords: small air ions, measurement, air ion counter, measurement error, measurement technique.


  1. AirIonCounter Model AIC Short Instructions. Manufactured in the USA by AlphaLab, Inc. 3005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 USA. –
  2. Antoshchuk S.G., Babich N.I., Panov V.G., Burdyka L.F.: Problema ajeronifikacii pri sozdanii racional’nogo mikroklimata v pomeshhenijah s personal’nymi komp’juterami [Problem of aeroionification at creation of rational microclimate in apartments from the personal computer] // Elektromashinobuduvannja ta elektroobladnannja. Mіzhvіdomchij naukovo-tehnіchnij zbіrnik [Electrical machine-building and electrical equipment. The scientific and technical journal], 2009, Issue 74. – p. 41-47.
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  4. DNAOP 0.03-3.06-80 Sanitarno-hihiienichni normy dopustymykh rivniv ionizatsii povitria vyrobnychykh ta hromadskykh prymishchen [Sanitary and hygienic standards of permissible levels of air ionization in occupational and public rooms] №2152-80.
  5. Guskov A.S., Ingel F.I., Malysheva A.G: Izuchenie vlijanija ajeroionifikacii na funkcional’noe sostojanie i zdorov’e rabotajushhih [Study of aeronification influence on functional condition and health of workers] // Jekologija zhilyh pomeshhenij goroda Moskvy. Sbornik trudov postojanno-dejstvujushhego nauchno-praktiches-kogo gorodskogo seminara [Ecology of living spaces in Moscow city. Collected papers of permanent scientific and practical city seminar]. – Moscow: MGUIE, 2005, Vol. 5. – P. 96-104.
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  8. Schetchik ajeroionov malogabaritnyj MAS-01 [Air ion counter MAS-01] Rukovodstvo po jekspluatacii. MGFK 510000.001 RJe. – Moscow, 2003. – 24 p.
  9. Schеtchikajeroionov «Sapfir-3k» [Airioncounter “Sapphire-3k”]. Gosudarstvennyjreestr № 18295-99. Rukovodstvopojekspluatacii. Bd2.899.000 RJe. – 29 p.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 36-41

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Sidorov Aleksandr Vladimirovich – Assistant, National Aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:


Nizova E.S., Sereda S.N. The problem of environmental pollution in the process of raw corn starch manufacturing

The problem of environmental pollution in the process of raw corn starch manufacturing

Nizova E.S., Sereda S.N.

The paper aims at working out a number of practical recommendations for possible improvements in the raw corn starch shop wastewater system of “Novlyansky” public company. The statement of need for the effective environmental management is based on poor quality assessment of wastewater collected in the course of environmental studies and economical production inexpediency according to the open cycle technological schedule. The paper suggests using technical equipment intended to close the technological cycle for the processed water (gluten suspension) and to seek for non-wastewater corn grain processing, thereby reducing the negative impact of hazardous and harmful factors on the environmental security level. A flotation machine designed to extract suspended protein substances out of gluten suspension is to serve as the basic component of the equipment. The pressure flotation technology under study will require no chemical agents. It is a non-waste process as the extracted foam layer is gluten which is a high protein vegetable stock used as a valuable component of feed corn.

Keywords: a loop system, gluten suspension, pressure flotation.


  1. Vetoshkin A.G. Processy i apparaty zashhity gidrosfery: Uchebnoe posobie [Processes and devices protect hydrosphere: Textbook]. – Penza, 2004. – 188 p.
  2. Zhilinskaya J.A., Glushankova I.S., Djakov M.S., Viskov M.V.Raschet i proektirovanie sistem obespechenija inzhenernoj zashhity poverhnostnyh i podzemnyh vod ot tehnogennyh zagrjaznenij [Calculation and design of engineering protection providing of surface and groundwater from technogenic pollution]. – Penza, 2012. – 401 p.
  3. Kostenko V.G., Ovchinnikov A.E., Gorbatov V.M. Starch production[Proizvodstvo krahmala]. – Moscow: TsNIITEIpischeprom, 1975. – 207 p.
  4. Matov B.M. Flotacija v pishhevoj promyshlennosti [Flotation of the food industry]. – Moscow: Food industry, 1975. – 167 p.
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«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 30-35

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Nizova Elizaveta Sergeevna – Student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Sereda Sergey Nikolaevich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Rus-sia. E-mail:


Nedelyaeva A.V., Kasatkina L.N. The issues of work hardness and intensity

The issues of work hardness and intensity

Nedelyaeva A.V., Kasatkina L.N.

The paper presents research results on defining work hardness and intensity of merchandisers employed in Nizhny Novgorod division of the Wrigley Co. The merchandisers’ work involves the company products promotion, equipment assembly and installation, etc. Ergonomic, physiological and other techniques are applied in the course of research work. The Hygienic Factor Assessment Guide of R 2.2.2006-05 Working Environment is used to evaluate work hardness and intensity. The study results are based on the detailed data analysis received in working conditions evaluation of 10 males (aged 22-30) working for the Wrigley Co. A chronometry method establishes that merchandisers’ work hardness should be marked as class 3.2 (harmful work conditions), while the ultimate work hardness evaluation is marked in accordance with the highest hardness rate (lifting and carrying heavy objects (goods) and work in an uncomfortable position (half-bent or bending to the floor). The work intensity corresponds to class 2.0 requirements (allowable workplace exposure limits). At the end of the working day all the people in the group of interest show a 30% rise in the heart rate and 5% systolic blood pressure rise. To prevent harmful consequences, a number of recommendations has been worked out to optimize the working time management of the merchandisers in the Wrigley Company.

Keywords: merchandisers’ work hardness and intensity, ergonomic and physiological data (checking pulse and blood pressure).


  1. Evseyev A.Y. Ohrana truda: sbornik normativnyh dokumentov «Oblastnogo uchebno-metodicheskogo centra ohrany truda i social’nogo partnerstva» [Labour Protection: A Manual of Norms and Standarts Acts of the Regional Center of Labour Protection and Social Partnership]. – N.Novgorod, 2008. – 151 p.
  2. Rukovodstvo po gigienicheskoj ocenke faktorov rabochej sredy i trudovogo processa [The Manual on Hygienic Factor Assessment of the Workplace Environment and Labour Process] R 2.2.2006-05.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 26-29

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Nedelyaeva Anna Vyacheslavovna – Ph.D., Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical Universi-ty, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. E-mail:
Kasatkina Ludmila Nikolaevna – Student, Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. E-mail: