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Сообщения, помеченные ‘№3 (13) 2012’


Engineering industry and life safety. №3 (13), 2012


Baranov V.A., Gorbunova L.N. Traumatism and breakdown susceptibility at operation of load-lifting cranes 4
Dorofeev N.V., Orekhov A.A. Increase the efficiency of the geodynamic control through the introduction of new geoelectric models 11
Kolesnikov A.V. Disposal of liquid industrial waste of impurity metals, surfactants and related products 15
Orekhov A.A., Dorofeev N.V. Identification of the functional dependence of the level of electrical conductivity of natural waters on the level of contamination 23
Sharapov R.V. Principles of groundwater monitoring 27
Aborkin A.V., Babin D.M., Zaharov A.A., Elkin A.I. Computer modeling of equal channel angular pressing 31
Aborkin A.V., Zaharov A.A., Zhukov I.O. Development of methodology for calculating thermal stress state tool for continuous pressing 36
Alekseev A.E., Dumanskiy A.I., Alabishev A.P. Increase of efficiency of a cutting tool 42
Eliseev S.V., Kashuba V.B., Bolshakov R.S. Possible influence of external factors on the reduced stiffness of the system 46
Eliseev S.V., Sitov I.S., Eliseev A.V. Motion of material particle with tossing in model problem with «not holding» ties 53
Zelinskiy V.V. Heat buildup during running tribosystems with bearing alloys 59
Kokoreva O.G. Increase of durability of heavy-duty machine parts of surfaces static-pulse treatment 64
Muradov I.B., Krjukov D.B., Kazantsev I.A., Shatalov N.B. Features a segneticoceramic coatings by gasdynamic spraying 69
Nikitina L.G. Methods of measurement of parts on CNC machine tools 73

Nikitina L.G. Methods of measurement of parts on CNC machine tools

Methods of measurement of parts on CNC machine tools

Nikitina L.G.

We consider the ways and methods of measurement of parts on machine tools. Depending on the type of production is following methods of measurement on machine tools: measurement during processing and measurement under interrupted processing. When using the “measurement in processing” automatically measured geometrical and technological parameters of the cutting process in the case of deviations from the nominal values produced is automatic adjustment of the cutting process. Way to measure “in the interrupted processing” is used in cases where the parts have complex geometry and the machine handles a wide range of parts in small batches, which fully complies with the conditions of processing on CNC lathes. The choice of method depends on the measurement method of processing, measurement conditions, the required accuracy of measurement, the size of the party details and their nomenclature, the type of machine and the degree of automation.

Keywords: measurement methods, techniques, cutting machine, adjusting the quality of the product.


  1. Nevelson M.S. Automatic control accuracy. – M: Mechanical Engineering, 1973.
  2. Nikitina L.G. Adaptive management of machine tools // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 3. – P.61-64.
  3. Grachev L.N., Sakharov M.G., Antipov V.I. Automatic control precision machining on CNC lathes. – M: NIImash, 1992.
  4. Baumgartner H., Feisel А. Experience with measuring controls when NC turning // workshop and factory, 1998, № 9.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 73-76

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Nikitina Ljubov Gennadjevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Muradov I.B., Krjukov D.B., Kazantsev I.A., Shatalov N.V. Features a segneticoceramic coatings by gasdynamic spraying

Features a segneticoceramic coatings by gasdynamic spraying

Muradov I.B., Krjukov D.B., Kazantsev I.A., Shatalov N.V.

This article shows the change in the basic properties of piezoelectric composite polymers depending on the nature of the distribution of the filler in the polymer matrix. Considered ten classes of composites with different types of connectivity of the filler to the polymer. Based on the theoretical analysis of the simplest of these composites are polymers with randomly distributed particles in it ceramic ball shape, is a model of piezoelectric and mechanical properties of the polymer-ceramic composite piezoelectrics. The theoretical dependence of the volume content piezo sensitivity ceramics for various types of composites. The basic concepts, principles and laws of the process gas dynamic spraying of powder materials, shows the stages of the process gas dynamic spraying. Are the main advantages and disadvantages of the gas-dynamic spraying using charge material with high density and low flowability.

Keywords: piezoelectric, composite, polymer, gas-dynamic spraying.


  1. Luscheykin G.A. Piezoelectric polymers – M.: Chemistry, 1990. – 176.
  2. Luscheykin G.A. Preparation and use of segneto-  and piezomaterials  the national economy – M: MDNTP, 1981. –  Pp. 8-11.
  3. Shakhtakhtinsky M.G., Gurbanov M.G., Musaeva S.N.. New piezoelectric materials for medical diagnostics and therapeutics // TMMOB Elektrik Muhendisleri Odasi, Ankara Subesi, EEBM 7 Ulisal kongresi, Ankara, (1997) 678.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 69-72

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Muradov Ilya Borisovich – Ph.D., Penza State University, Penza, Russia. E-mail:

Krjukov Dmitriy Borisovich – Ph.D., Penza State University, Penza, Russia. E-mail:

Kazantsev Igor Alekseevich – Ph.D., Penza State University, Penza, Russia. E-mail:

Shatalov Nikolay Vladimirovich – Student, Penza State University, Penza, Russia. E-mail:


Kokoreva O.G. Increase of durability of heavy-duty machine parts of surfaces static-pulse treatment

Increase of durability of heavy-duty machine parts of surfaces static-pulse treatment

Kokoreva O.G.

Offered for practical use in production the new method of statiс-pulse hardening of hard loaded surfaces has a number of essential advantages in comparison with applied now. Distinctive feature of a method is the combination of static and dynamic processes of processing as a result of which necessary qualities of a blanket of a processed detail, and as necessary hardness and residual tension of compression are provided. This way of hardening is one of more effective, energy saving and easily realized in production. Static-pulsed hardening increases the number of controlled design, tuning, and technological factors that affect the result of hardening. As a result, the static-pulse processing provides reduced surface roughness, increased wear resistance and hardness of the surface layer by increasing the depth of hardening and changes in the microstructure of the metal. For the static-pulsed hardening is characterized by high performance and low cost compared with heat treatment and explosion.

Keywords: static-pulse treatment, hardening the surface, quality characteristics of the surface layer, reliability, durability.


  1. Balter M.A. Hardening of parts of machinery. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1974. – 136 p.
  2. Kirichek A.V., Kokoreva O.G., Lazutkin A.G., Soloviev D.L. Static-pulse treatment and equipment for its implementation // STIN. 1999, № 6. – P. 20-24.
  3. Kirichek A.V., Soloviev D.L. Ways of strengthening the dynamic surface plastic deformation // Forging and stamping production, 2001, № 7. – P. 28-32.
  4. Smelyansky V.M. Mechanical hardening of surface plastic deformation. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 2002. – 300 p.
  5. Lazutkin A.G., Kokoreva O.G. Strengthening and shaping surfaces static-pulse processing // Precision technology and transport systems: Proceedings of the International scientific and engineering Conference – Penza, 1998. Part 2. – P. 124-126.
  6. Lazutkin A.G. Appointment of technological regimes static-pulse treatment // Designing technological machines, Vol. 12. – M: Moscow State Technical University «Stankin», 1998. – P. 85-88.
  7. Kokoreva O.G. Technological opportunities static-pulse processing // Engineering technique, 2011, № 2. – P. 12-15.
  8. Kokoreva O.G. Results investigations of heavy-duty surfaces, hardened static-pulse method // Bulletin of mechanical engineering, 2010, № 3.
  9. Kirichek A.V., Soloviev D.L. Lazutkin A.G. Technology and equipment to static-width surface treatment of plastic deformation. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 2004.
  10. Kokoreva O.G. Production tests hardening core crosses switches static-pulse method // Second Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists «The Future Engineering of Russia». – M.: MGTU Bauman, 2009.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 64-68

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Kokoreva Olga Grigorjevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Zelinskiy V.V. Heat buildup during running tribosystems with bearing alloys

Heat buildup during running tribosystems with bearing alloys

Zelinskiy V.V.

The topicality of studying the process of running-in tribosystems with bearing alloys in order to assess and predict the level of heat in them and their thermal state is substantiated in the article. The results of study of thermogenesis and thermal state tribosystems, experimentally obtained during running-in under increasing load are presented. The objects of study were the traditional and new materials for the plain bearings. The mathematical modeling of the process of running-in with modern ideas in tribology and the results obtained by the author is held. A theoretical relationship, confirmed by the results of experiments, which indicates that are accuracy of the accepted theoretical hypotheses is received. The basis factors of influence on the thermogenesis and thermal state tribosystems with bearing materials are installed. Recommendations for effective technological running-in tribosystems are given.

Keywords: deformation, surface, running-in, tribosystem, material, bearing, temperature, state, properties.


  1. Zelinskiy V.V. Phenomenological bases of the isofriction running-in of supports of the slip of machines. Part 1 // Engineering industry and life safety, 2009, № 6. – P. 117-121.
  2. Zelinskiy V.V. Phenomenological bases of the isofriction running-in of supports of the slip of machines. Part 2 // Engineering industry and life safety, 2011, № 3. – P. 48-52.
  3. Zelinskiy V.V. The condition of plastic equilibrium friction loaded surfaces // Production technology and product quality: Proceedings of IV International Scientific and Technical Conference – Vladimir-Moscow: New Technologies, 2001. – P. 203-206.
  4. Zelinskiy V.V. Estimation compatibility tribosystems containing bearing alloys // Engineering industry and life safety, 2012, № 1. – P. 55-58.
  5. Bushe N.A., Zielinskiy V.V., Trushin V.V. Assessment regimes of friction and resistance friction units // Friction and wear, 1986, V.7, № 5. – P. 798-805.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 59-63

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Zelinskiy Viktor Vasiljevich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Eliseev S.V., Sitov I.S., Eliseev A.V. Motion of material particle with tossing in model problem with «not holding» ties

Motion of material particle with tossing in model problem with «not holding» ties

Eliseev S.V., Sitov I.S., Eliseev A.V.

The purpose of this work is to establish research methods mechanical systems with «not holding» ties. The problems of determining the mode of continuous flying up of a material particle from surface oscillations with the force of gravity are considered. The graphical-analytical method for determination of the mode parameters is realized. The analytical characteristics of the relations between the basic modes of continuous flying up of a particle as a function of the parameters of the surface vibrations are identified. The proposed methodological framework can be used to research the mode of continuous flipping with additional constant force which operate from the external environment in free flight phase.

Keywords: not holding ties, interaction of a material particle with a vibrating surface, a mode of a material particle tossing with one contact.


  1. Loitsyansky L.G. Course of Theoretical Mechanics. Vol. 2. Dynamics / L.G. Loitsyansky, A.I. Lurie. – Moscow: Nauka. 1968. – 638 p.
  2. Lurie A.I. Analytical Mechanics / A.I. Lurie. – M: Nauka. 1986. – 516 p.
  3. Artobolevsky I.I. Theory of mechanisms and machines – M: Nauka. 1978. – 640 p.
  4. Blekhman I.I., Dzhanalidze G.Y. Vibrational displacement. – M: Nauka. 1968. -316 p.
  5. Selvinsky V.V. The dynamics of the contact interaction of solids. – Blagoveshchensk: Publishing House of Amur of public university, 2009. – 164 p.
  6. Eliseev S.V., Markov K.K. Some aspects of the dynamics-rye oscillatory process with unilateral constraints // Mechanics and Control. – Irkutsk: IPI, 1971. – P. 71-83.
  7. Eliseev S.V., Lotkin O.I. Conditions of existence and breach of contact for systems with unilateral constraints // Proceedings OMIIT. – Omsk: OMIIT, 1966, Vol. 69. – P. 93-99.
  8. Gorbikov S.P., Neimark Y.I. The major modes of motion in vibro tossing // Math. USSR “Mechanics of rigid body”, 1981, № 4. – P. 39-50.
  9. Eliseev S.V., Eliseev A.V. Modes flip of a particle on a vibrating surface in the model problem with unilateral constraints. // Modern technologies. Systems analysis. Modeling, 2012, № 3 (35). – P. 64-75.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 53-58

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Eliseev Sergey Viktorovich – Professor, Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:

Sitov Ilya Sergeevich – Docent, Bratsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:

Eliseev Andrey Vladimirovich – Student, Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:


Eliseev S.V., Kashuba V.B., Bolshakov R.S. Possible influence of external factors on the reduced stiffness of the system

Possible influence of external factors on the reduced stiffness of the system

Eliseev S.V., Kashuba V.B., Bolshakov R.S.

Approach of change of dynamical condition of vibroprotection systems through introduction of additional connection force influence are considered. Such approach accordances to form of automatical control by force of influence. Key moment in formation of offering method is presence two (at least) external influences in relation which are supposed installation possibility of function tie. Usually form of tie are considered in the form constant coefficient between amplitude meaning of external influences. Sign of coefficient is taken into account. Change coerced rigidities possibilities are shown that is change her parameters at different coefficients of tie. Influence processes on state ties of systems related to change frequencies own oscillations possibilities, dynamical absorbtion regimes and other.

Keywords: vibroprotection system, control to the influence, dynamical absorbtion of oscillations.


  1. Eliseev S.V., Nerubenko G.P. Dynamic damper. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1982. – 182 p.
  2. Eliseev S.V., Kashuba V.B., Ermoshenko Y.V. Communication linkages in the dynamics of the transport suspension // Systems. Methods. Technology, 2011. № 9. – P. 24-31.
  3. Eliseev S.V., Trofimov  A.N., Bolshakov R.S., Savchenko A.A. The concept of feedback in the dynamics of mechanical systems and the dynamic vibration damping // Education & Science: e-science and technology edition, 2012, №5. URL. /doc/378353.html.
  4. Kashuba V.B., Belokobylsky S.V. Generalized theory of dynamic damper technology machines // Processing of the V International Conference “Problems of modern machines.” – Ulan-Ude. 2012, Vol. 2 – P. 204-214.
  5. Eliseev S.V., Lonzih P.A. Effect of controlling force in the structure of external disturbances // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University – Irkutsk, 2011, №. 4 (51). – P. 26-33.
  6. Eliseev S.V., Resnick Y.N., Khomenko A.P. Mechatronic approach in the dynamics of mechanical vibrating systems. – Novosibirsk: Nauka. 2010. – 430 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 46-52

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Eliseev Sergey Viktorovich – Professor, Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:

Kashuba Vladimir Bogdanovich – Ph.D., Director of Technopark Bratsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:

Bolshakov Roman Sergeevich – graduate student, Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:


Alekseev A.E., Dumanskiy A.I., Alabishev A.P. Increase of efficiency of a cutting tool

Increase of efficiency of a cutting tool

Alekseev A.E., Dumanskiy A.I., Alabishev A.P.

In given paper the problem of drying up forest stands of the Arkhangelsk region is presented, physicomechanical parametres of a deadwood are observed. Are presented to attention of a problem of rehash. Ways of implementation of the comminuted wood and as the impossibility of its use in some areas for which the green wood is suitable is illustrated are presented. Sampling of the process equipment for dead wood crushing and as the problem of decrease in a resource because of misfit of physicomechanical parametres of wood to real mechanical to edge tool demands is presented is illustrated. Mechanical demands to knifes for deadwood rehash are offered. Ways of increase in a resource of an edge tool by ways of deterioration of an active face or a local reinforcement a method of laser thermal heat treatment are presented. Are revealed positive and negative sides of the offered methods. On the basis of the spent researches leading-outs are drawn and directions for the subsequent researches are revealed.

Keywords: efficiency increase, cutting tool, thermal processing.


  1. Volkova Z.A., Orlenko L.V. Comparative analysis of the strength of the samples of freshly cut wood and dead // Science-North Region. – Arkhangelsk: ASTU, 2006, № 67. – P. 54-58.
  2. Gomonai M.V. Technology for processing of wood – M: MSFU, 2008, 231 p.
  3. Alekseev A.E., Dumansky I.O., Korolev I.Y., Elkin V.P., Ershov S.V., Wascan Y.V. Improving the efficiency of mechanical processing of wood drying out // News of higher educational institutions. Forest Journal, 2011, № 3. – P.74-82.
  4. Zotov G.A. Wood The tool design and operation – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2010, 384 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 42-45

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Alekseev Aleksandr Evgenjevich – Professor, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia. E-mail:

Dumanskiy Andrey Igorevich – graduate student, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia. E-mail:

Alabishev Aleksey Pavlovich – student, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia. E-mail:


Aborkin A.V., Zaharov A.A., Zhukov I.O. Development of methodology for calculating thermal stress state tool for continuous pressing

Development of methodology for calculating thermal stress state tool for continuous pressing

Aborkin A.V., Zaharov A.A., Zhukov I.O.

In this paper considers method of calculating the thermal stress state of the tool for continuous pressing. Set one of the major defects, limiting the durability of the tool that occurs during operation. The presented method fo-cuses on the study of the thermal stress state in order to forecast locations of cracks. Realization techniques in stages using simulation models. Numerical realization of simulation models pressing tool made through software package ANSYS Workbench. The examples of the results of calculation of temperature and pressure for the tool, and the results of an experiment to determine the temperature. A comparison of the calculated and experimental values of the temperature. The good agreement between the calculated and experimental data. This fact allows us to recommend the methodology developed for the design of rational design tool for continuous pressing.

Keywords: continuous pressing, stress, finite element method, durability, pressing tools.


  1. Belevich A.V. Simulation of temperature and heavy duty design improvement tool guide piercing mill // Production of rolled, 2006, № 9. – P. 23-27.
  2. Belevich A.V. Improving the efficiency of hot press forming by improving, operating conditions and design tool for the development of mass production of precision steel profiles in engineering. Diss. doctor. tech. science. Moscow, MISA. 2000. – 320 p.
  3. Belevich A.V. Modelling thermally stressed condition of potentially hazardous industrial facilities  // Security of labor in the industry, 2007, № 3. – P. 37-39.
  4. GOST 12.4.045 – 87. «SSBT. Means of protection against infrared radiation. Classification. General requirements. – State Standard of the USSR, 1983. – 19 p.
  5. Kutateladze S.S. Fundamentals of the theory of heat transfer. – L.: Naval Academy shipbuilding and weapons of A.N. Krylov, 1954.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 36-41

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Aborkin Artemiy Vitaljevich – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Zaharov Aleksandr Andreevich – assistant, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Zhukov Ilja Olegovich – student, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:


Aborkin A.V., Babin D.M., Zaharov A.A., Elkin A.I. Computer modeling of equal channel angular pressing

Computer modeling of equal channel angular pressing

Aborkin A.V., Babin D.M., Zaharov A.A., Elkin A.I.

This paper discusses issues related to the process of creating a mathematical model of equal-channel angular pressing of aluminum alloy billets Al+1.9%Mg and study the effects of friction during the pressing process for energy-power costs and strain state of the workpiece material. Calculations conform channel angular pressing cylindrical workpieces 90 mm and a diameter of 5 mm with the following parameters: the angle of intersection of channels F-90 °, the radius at the intersection of channels r – 0.1 mm, temperature workpiece and tool corresponded t = 20 ° C, pressing speed ʋ-10 mm / s, the coefficient of friction of μ = 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75. Shown to increase the coefficient of friction affects the distribution of strains in the workpiece material and energy-power costs.

Keywords: computer modeling, equal channel angular pressing, severe plastic deformation, energy-power cost-stressed state.


  1. Segal V. M., USSR Patent No. 575892 (1977).
  2. Segal V. M., Reznikov V. I., Drobyshevskiy A. E., Kopylov V. I., Russ. Metall, 1, 99 (1981).
  3. Kolmogorov V.L. Stress, deformation, fracture. Metallurgy. – М. 1970.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №3 (13), 2012. Pages: 31-35

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Aborkin Artemiy Vitaljevich – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Babin Dmitriy Michaylovich – assistant, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Zaharov Aleksandr Andreevich – assistant, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:

Elkin Aleksey Ivanovich – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail: