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Sidorov A.V. The technique of small air ions concentration measurement at the PC operator working place

The technique of small air ions concentration measurement at the PC operator working place

Sidorov A.V.

The paper considers small air ions concentration measurements guidelines and operation manuals for small air ions counters “Sapphire-3k”, MAS-01 and “Alpha Lab Air Ion Counter”. The guidelines and manuals under analysis appear to lack recommendations required for small air ions concentration measurement in the course of the research work, as well as for obtaining the most accurate and reliable results. While working out measurement guidelines it is advisable to follow the provisions of Instructional Lines 4.3.1675-03 “General Requirements for Air Ionic Composition Control” and GOST 8.207-76 “Direct measurements with multiple observations. Observation results processing methods. Main principles” of disregarding random error value under instrumental error enormity. While using “Sapphire-3k” air ion counter the guidelines on small air ions concentration measurements have been worked out and provided.

Keywords: small air ions, measurement, air ion counter, measurement error, measurement technique.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 36-41

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Sidorov Aleksandr Vladimirovich – Assistant, National Aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: