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Сообщения, помеченные ‘Infrasound and vibrations monitoring system in residential areas’


Solovjev L.P. Infrasound and vibrations monitoring system in residential areas

Infrasound and vibrations monitoring system in residential areas

Solovjev L.P.

The paper deals with the monitoring system condition analysis of infrasonic fluctuation in residential areas. The existing monitoring system of residential areas environment is mainly based on the chemical pollution level identification. The physical (power) pollution system control of residential areas has not been implemented yet. It is important to pay attention to the monitoring system organization of noise influence levels and infrasonic range noise in particular. The paper considers the main characteristics of infrasonic fluctuations and distinctive features of human exposure. The main sources of infrasonic fluctuations and methods of infrasound level decrease are characterized. The paper presents the main objectives for infrasonic fluctuations monitoring and the recommendations for reducing infrasound influence level on a human body.

Keywords: residential areas monitoring, chemical pollution, physical pollution, infrasound characteristics, infrasound human exposure.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 64-67

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Solovjev Lev Petrovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail: