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July 4, 2014

Ermolaeva V.A. The effect of contact pressure welding process on the atmospheric air composition

The effect of contact pressure welding process on the atmospheric air composition

Ermolaeva V.A.

The paper considers the process of contact pressure welding as a source of industrial and environmental haz-ards. It analyzes the technological process impact on the environment. Production hazardous and harmful fac-tors are identified. Welding fume composition is analyzed. The paper presents the calculation of total and max-imum single pollutant emissions as well as the comparison of the actual emission values and MPE. The distance from the emission source, where ground-level pollutant concentration reaches its maximum value, is calculated. Pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere is calculated. MPC maximum-one-time excess of manganese, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide is determined. The main types of dust collection devices and their application are analyzed. The choice of the possible methods for cleaning polluted air is reasoned. It is advisable to develop a local ventilation system and to clean dusty gas mixture through the electrostatic filter.

Keywords: contact welding, diffusion of pollutants.


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«Engineering industry and life safety» №4 (18), 2013. Pages: 12-17

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Ermolaeva Vera Anatoljevna – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:

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