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Сообщения, помеченные ‘№1 (19) 2014’


Mikhalev A.V., Tumanova N.I. IBSA procedure as a tool of reducing injury possibility in manufacturing process

IBSA procedure as a tool of reducing injury possibility in manufacturing process

Mikhalev A.V., Tumanova N.I.

The paper presents standards for reducing injury possibility in manufacturing processes through the introduction of individual behavioral safety audits (IBSA) procedure. The auditor-employee communication mechanism is considered. The IBSA structural-logic procedure is presented which clearly demonstrates its routine in detail and reflects the basic psychological techniques for the auditor to complete the “positive dialogue” with the employee, depending on the latter’s behavior in the workplace /site. The paper gives fundamental parameters for analyzing the IBSA procedure results. A special blank is to be filled by both the auditor and the employee under control. Also, according to the analysis results it is advisable to introduce the IBSA procedure into a three-level safety control system of manufacturing processes.

Keywords: audit, IBSA, individual behavioral safety audit, reducing the possibility of injury, positive dialogue, risky behav-ior, dangerous conditions, work safety.


  1. OHSAS 18001:2007. Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Requirements.
  2. Smirnov B.A., Dolgopolova E.V. Psihologija dejatel’nosti v jekstremal’nyh situacijah [Psychology of Performance in Extreme Situations]. Vol.2 – Kharkov: Humanitarian Centre, 2007. – 292 p. – ISBN 966-8324-29-3.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 18-25

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Mikhalev Aleksandr Valerjevich – Student, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:
Tumanova Nina Ivanovna – Ph.D., Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail:


Glyva V.A, Panova E.V. The study of geometric criteria for electromagnetic shielding

The study of geometric criteria for electromagnetic shielding

Glyva V.A, Panova E.V.

The paper deals with the estimation of existing approaches to electromagnetic fields and radiation shielding. The metrological base has proved to be insufficient. The new approach to solving this problem has been offered. The paper presents the electromagnetic shields classification in accordance with their structural features for preliminary efficiency estimation, depending on the screened field frequency range with multiple sources of electromagnetic fields. Geometric criteria calculation provides an opportunity to choose the most efficient form of shielding depending on the field source location, its frequency and amplitude characteristics. The experimental study performance and theoretical calculation make it possible to select the technical characteristics of the material meeting the absorption requirements and reflection ratios depending on the screening purposes, as well as to select the geometrical parameters of the electromagnetic screen, based on the criteria developed. Calculations of the advantages of this approach have been performed, restrictions and disadvantages for specific working conditions and safety conditions in the technosphere have been identified.

Keywords: electromagnetic field, screening, measurement.


  1. Glyva V.A. Method of electromagnetic screen shielding properties determination / V.A. Glyva, E.V. Panova // Science & military, 2013, №2.
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  3. Ostrovsky O.S. Zashhitnye jekrany i poglotiteli jelektromagnitnyh voln [Protective shields and absorbers of electromagnetic waves] / O.S Ostrovsky, E.N Odarenko, A.A Shmatko // Kharkiv National University V.N Karazina, Ukraine, 2003. URL:
  4. Glyva V.A. Zasobi pіdvishhennja bezpechnoї ekspluatacії suchasnogo komp’juternogo obladnannja [Means to improve the safe operation of modern computer equipment] / V.A. Glyva, A.V Luk’yanchikov, L.O Levchenko, O.V Panova // Problemi ohoroni pracі v Ukrainі [Problems in Ukraine parts receptionists]. – Kiev, 2008, № 15. – P. 98-105.
  5. Volohov S.A. Zakonomernosti raspredelenija vneshnego magnitnogo polja jelektrooborudovanij [Patterns of distribution of an external magnetic field of electrical equipment] / S.A. Volohov, P.N Dobrodeev // Jelektrotehnika [Electrical engineering], 2006, № 4. – P.28 -33.
  6. Patent 74857 Ukraine, IPC G12V17/00. Elektromagnіtnij ekran z kerovanimi zahisnimi vlastivostjami [Electromagnetic shield with controlled barrier properties] / Glyva V.A., Nazarenko M.V., Podobed І.M., Matveeva O.L., Panova O.V.; Representative and patent owners; stated 12.05.2012, published 12.11.2012, Bull. № 21.
  7. Lynkov L.M. Gibkie konstrukcii jekranov jelektromagnitnogo izluchenija [Flexible design screens EMI] / L.M Lynkov V.A Bogush, V.P Glybin. Ed. L.M. Lynkov. – Minsk, 2000. – 284 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 10-17

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Glyva Valentyn Anatoliyevich – Professor, Doctor of Technical sciences NAU, National aviation university, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
Panova Elena Vasilievna – Assistant of Kiev national university of construction and architecture, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:


Bulkin V.V., Kirillov I.N. Estimating the meteorological parameters impact on the propagation distance of acoustic noise pollution in residential areas

Estimating the meteorological parameters impact on the propagation distance of acoustic noise pollution in residential areas

Bulkin V.V., Kirillov I.N.

Acoustic noise pollution of residential areas is becoming an increasingly serious problem. The analysis of possible noise propagation deep into residential areas is to be carried out both on the basis of noise spectral characteristics and the existing peak noise signals as well as the average or local meteorological conditions prevailing in the area. The paper analyzes possible signal attenuation ratio variation for different frequencies when changing the basic meteorological parameters such as ambient temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure. The simulation results are presented as graphs. Temperature changes effect signal attenuation at most: within 30 to −20оC range, signal attenuation value can be increased from 29.4 dB/km up to 170.5 dB/km.

Keywords: acoustic noise, acoustic signal attenuation, frequency, temperature, humidity, pressure.


  1. GOST 31295.1-2005. Shum. Zatuhanie zvuka pri rasprostranenii na mestnosti. Chast’ 1. Raschjot pogloshhenija zvuka atmosferoj [Noise. Attenuation of sound propagation in the locality. Part 1. Calculation of sound absorption atmosphere]. – Moscow: Standartinform 2009. – 35 p.
  2. Bulkin V.V., Belyaev V.E., Kirillov I.N. Model’ passivno-aktivnoj akustolokaci-onnoj jekologo-meteorologicheskoj sistemy [Model of passive-active acoustic radar ecological and meteorological systems] // Proektirovanie i tehnologija jelektronnyh sredstv [Design and technology of electronic media], 2011, № 1. – P.16-19.
  3. Bulkin V.V., Kirillov I.N., Belyaev V.E. Passivnyj kanal passivno-aktivnoj sistemy monitoringa urbanizirovannogo prostranstva [Passive channel passive-active system monitoring urbanized space] // Radiotehnicheskie i telekommunikacionnye sistemy [Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems], № 4, 2012. – P.47-51.
  4. Kirillov I.N., Kalinichenko M.V., Panova M.S. O tochnosti analiza akusticheskih shumov v urbanizirovannom prostranstve [On the accuracy of the analysis of acoustic noise in an urban space] // II Vserossijskie Armandovskie chtenija: Radiofizicheskie metody v distancionnom zondirovanii sred / Materialy V Vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferencii [II All-Russian Armand reading: Radiophysical methods in remote sensing environments / Proceedings of the V Scientific Conference] (Murom, 26-28 June, 2012). – Murom: MI VlSU, 2012. – P. 418 -421.
  5. Kirillov I.N., Bulkin V.V. Nekotorye rezul’taty primenenija passivnogo kanala passivno-aktivnoj sistemy monitoringa urbanizirovannogo prostranstva [Some results of the passive channel passive-active system monitoring urbanized space] // III Vserossijskie Armandovskie chtenija: Sverhshirokopolosnye signaly v radiolokacii, svjazi i akustike / Materialy IV Vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferencii [III All-Russian Armand reading: Superwideband signals in radar, communications and acoustics / Proceedings of the IV All-Russian Scientific Conference] (Murom, 25-27 June 2013 ). – Murom: MI VlSU, 2013. –P.249-253.
  6. Kirillov I.N., Bulkin V.V. Matematicheskaja model’ vlijanija faktorov okruzhajushhej sredy na rasprostranenie shuma v atmosfere [Mathematical model of environmental factors on the distribution of noise in the atmosphere] // Nauka i obrazovanie v razvitii promysh-lennoj, social’noj i jekonomicheskoj sfer regionov Rossii.VI Vserossijskie nauchnye Zvorykinskie chtenija [Science and education in the development of industrial, social and economic spheres regions Russia. Proceedings of the VI All-Russian scientific Zvorykin reading]. (Murom, February 7, 2014). – Murom: MI VlSU, 2014. – P.329-330.
  7. GOST R 53188.1-2008. Shumomery. Chast’ 1. Tehnicheskie trebovanija [Sound Level Meters. Part 1. Technical requirements]. – Moscow: Standartinform, 2009. – 32 p.

«Engineering industry and life safety» №1 (19), 2014. Pages: 5-9

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Bulkin Vladislav Venediktovich – Ph.D., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:
Kirillov Ivan Nikolaevich – Post-graduate student, Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Murom, Russia. E-mail:


Engineering industry and life safety. №1 (19), 2014


Bulkin V.V., Kirillov I.N.
Estimating the meteorological parameters impact on the propagation distance of acoustic noise pollution in residential areas
Glyva V.A, Panova E.V.
The study of geometric criteria for elec-tromagnetic shielding
Mikhalev A.V., Tumanova N.I.
IBSA procedure as a tool of reducing injury possibility in manufacturing process
Nedelyaeva A.V., Kasatkina L.N.
The issues of work hardness and intensity
Nizova E.S., Sereda S.N.
The problem of environmental pollution in the process of raw corn starch manufacturing
Sidorov A.V.
The technique of small air ions concentra-tion measurement at the PC operator working place
Shtikov E.A.
First-respond buildings as a way of protecting residential areas from noise pollution
Bulkin V.V., Solovjev L.P., Sharapov R.V., Pervushin R.V., Kirillov I.N.
The problems of creating monitoring systems for acoustic noise pollution in residential areas
Orekhov A.A., Dorofeev N.V.
Research of the endogenous geological factors influence on karst-suffusion processes and geodynamic monitoring
Romanov R.V., Dorofeev N.V.
The application of geophysical methods for karst localization process
Solovjev L.P.
Infrasound and vibrations monitoring system in residential areas
Sharapov R.V.
Methods of processing incomplete data for geo-environmental monitoring
Mohsen M.N., Boguslavskiy I.V.
Problems using wireless sensor networks for monitoring industrial facilities